Frequently Asked Questions

We know firsthand that there may be questions you have around insulation and HVAC supplies. That’s why you’ll find a compilation of frequently asked questions that the team has put together below. If you do have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team.

Insulation acts like a cosy blanket for your building. It keeps warmth in during winter and out during summer, helping to maintain a comfortable temperature inside. It does this by trapping tiny pockets of air within its material, slowing down the natural tendency of heat to move from warmer areas to cooler ones. This means less reliance on heaters and air conditioners, which saves on energy bills and makes your space feel more comfortable.

R-Value measures insulation’s ability to slow down heat passing through it. The greater the R-Value, the more effective the insulation is at keeping heat out during summer and retaining warmth in winter. Essentially, R-Value is a rating that tells you how good the insulation is at doing its job. You can use this rating to compare various insulation options and decide which one is most suitable for your requirements.

The R-Value you need depends on where you live and how your building is designed. Different areas and different parts of your building — like walls, roofs, and floors — may need different R-Values because of exposure to cold or heat. To find out the right R-Value for your project, you can consult with insulation specialists, who can give you advice based on your specific situation.

The best time to install insulation is usually during construction or renovation, as it’s easier to put in before the walls are finished. However, you can add or upgrade insulation at any time.

If you’re looking to improve energy efficiency or comfort in your home, installing floor insulation before the extreme temperatures of summer or winter hit is ideal. This preparation can help ensure your space stays comfortable year-round.

The amount of insulation you need depends on the size of the space you want to insulate and the climate you live in. A professional can help you calculate the exact amount, but a simple rule is that areas with colder climates typically require more insulation than those in milder zones.

The cost of insulation varies based on the type of insulation material, the area you need to cover, and the R-Value you’re aiming for. To get a clear idea of the cost, it’s best to get a quote from a professional insulation company such as us here at All Insulation & HVAC Supplies. We can provide you with a detailed cost that includes materials and installation.

Insulation doesn’t have an expiry date, but its performance can degrade over time, especially if it’s exposed to moisture or disturbed by pests. Regular checks can help ensure it remains in good condition to do its job effectively.

Old insulation needs to be replaced when it’s damaged, damp, or no longer effective. If you notice higher energy bills, it could be a sign that your insulation isn’t performing as it should. A professional can assess if your insulation needs replacement.

Yes, you can put new insulation over old insulation, provided the old layer is dry and in good condition. If the old insulation is compacted, wet, or mouldy, it’s best to remove it before adding the new layer to ensure your insulation works effectively and doesn’t harm your home’s air quality.

The best insulation for you depends on your specific needs like where you live, what part of your building you’re insulating, and your budget. Some insulation types are better for keeping heat in or out, while others are better for spaces that need to stay extra quiet. A professional can help you choose the right one, whether it’s fibreglass, foam, or another type.

There are many reputable insulation brands known for their quality and performance. The best brand for your project will depend on factors like the type of insulation you’re after and your budget. It’s a good idea to look at reviews, ask for recommendations from insulation professionals, and consider what insulation qualities are most important to you.

Yes, there are eco-friendly insulation options available that are made from sustainable materials or recycled content. These can include options like cotton, wool, and cellulose. They’re designed to be kind to the environment while still providing great insulation for your home or building.

Insulation can definitely help reduce noise. It absorbs sound, which can make your space quieter by preventing outside noise from getting in and keeping inside noise from getting out. This is especially helpful in busy areas or for rooms that need to be soundproof, like recording studios or home theatres.

Thermal insulation is all about controlling temperature — it keeps heat in or out to make a space more comfortable and energy-efficient. Acoustic insulation, on the other hand, focuses on sound. It helps to reduce the noise that travels between rooms or from the outside. Some insulation products can do both, but they’re usually designed with one primary purpose in mind.

Pipe lagging is insulation for your pipes. It’s like a jacket that keeps your pipes warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This helps to prevent energy loss, meaning you can save on heating and cooling costs, and it also stops pipes from freezing or getting too hot to touch.

The time it takes to install insulation can vary. It depends on the size of the area you’re insulating, the type of insulation you’re using, and how easy it is to access the space. A small room might take a few hours, while a whole house could take a few days. An insulation professional can give you a time estimate based on your specific situation.

Most insulation is safe to handle if you use the right gear. Some types can irritate your skin, eyes, or lungs, so it’s a good idea to wear protective clothing, gloves, a mask, and goggles. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions or check with a professional if you’re unsure.

Insulation materials vary in their resistance to fire. Some insulation is made to be fire-resistant and will not easily burn, while other types can be a fire hazard if not installed correctly or if they’re exposed to an open flame. Always check the fire ratings on insulation products and follow local building codes to make sure you’re using the safest option for your space.

Insulation itself doesn’t stop mould, but it can help by keeping your walls and ceilings at a more consistent temperature, which reduces condensation — which is a common cause of mould. To prevent mould, it’s also important to make sure your space is well-ventilated and that the insulation is properly installed without any gaps.

How thick your insulation should be depends on the R-value you need to achieve for your climate and energy efficiency goals. Thicker insulation generally has a higher R-value, which means better heat-blocking abilities. The exact thickness needed can vary, so it’s best to consult with an insulation specialist or refer to local building codes for recommendations.

The best type of pipe insulation depends on the temperature of the pipes and where they’re located. For hot pipes, you might use fibreglass or foam insulation to handle the high temperatures, while for cold pipes, you’ll want something that can prevent condensation like rubber or polyethylene foam. Choose insulation that fits snugly around your pipes for the best protection.

Yes, we’re pleased to say that our insulation packaging is recyclable. We believe in being kind to the planet, so we use materials that you can recycle in your regular recycling bin. This way, you’re helping the environment while keeping your space insulated.

Generally, once your insulation is installed, there’s very little you need to do to maintain it. It’s a good idea to have a look at it now and then to make sure it hasn’t been disturbed, gotten wet, or been damaged by pests. If everything looks good, then your insulation is probably still working hard to keep your space comfortable.

Insulating a commercial space can lead to significant benefits, including energy cost savings, improved comfort for occupants, better control of indoor temperatures, and reduced environmental impact. It makes the building more efficient to heat and cool, and it can also help to reduce noise from outside.

Insulation reduces the need for heating and cooling systems to work as hard, which cuts down on energy use. By using less energy, your company is contributing less to greenhouse gas emissions, thus reducing your carbon footprint. It’s a smart move for the environment – and often for your utility bills, too.

Thermal insulation is key to energy efficiency. It slows down the loss of heat in winter and keeps heat out during summer. This means less strain on heating and cooling systems and, therefore, less energy consumption. It’s an essential component for a comfortable and cost-effective building.

HVAC systems provide heating, ventilation, and air conditioning to keep indoor environments comfortable. The benefits include improved air quality, consistent indoor climate control, and increased overall comfort. These systems are essential in modern building design for maintaining a healthy and pleasant living or working space.

When comparing glasswool vs rockwool, both are insulation materials with different benefits. Glasswool, made from recycled glass, is lightweight and great for sound absorption. Rockwool, made from rocks and minerals, is denser, providing excellent fire resistance and temperature control. The choice depends on your specific needs regarding insulation performance, soundproofing, and fire safety.

Our insulation testing procedures adhere to industry standards to ensure quality and safety. We examine the material’s fire resistance, acoustic properties, and thermal performance. These tests help us to ensure that our insulation meets the highest standards of effectiveness and safety before it’s installed.

Insulation slows down heat transfer due to its materials containing lots of small air pockets. Heat has a hard time moving through these pockets, which means it stays where we want it—inside when it’s cold and outside when it’s hot. This resistance to heat flow is what makes insulation so effective in managing a building’s temperature.